News & Updates
March 2025: St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates
Many projects are happening to help clean-up and delist the St. Louis River Area of Concern. Click here to learn about current project updates for March 2025.
Trip Planning + Navigation (Event Photos)
Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Trip Planning and Navigation on the St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail event at Bagley Classroom on February 25, 2025!
Melody David-McKnight, Sea Kayak Coordinator for UMD’s Recreational Sports Outdoor Program (RSOP), and student staff Anna, led us on a daydreaming adventure along the St. Louis River. 27 attendees learned about essential trip planning topics such as route selection, access points, gear recommendations, safety tips, and wind and weather considerations.
Now Accepting NWT Map Sponsors
Due to popular demand, the St. Louis River Alliance is gearing up for the 4th printing of the St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail Map, and are now accepting map sponsorships. Sponsorships start at $100 and there are limited spaces available, so claim your spot today.
All sponsorship applications and payments due by April 1, 2025
Starry Skies Along the St. Louis River
Thank you to everyone who joined us for Starry Skies Along the St. Louis River on Sunday, February 9th. This event was hosted by the St. Louis River Alliance, in partner with Bob King, a local Amateur Astronomer. We encourage you to learn more about light pollution and the night sky!
February 2025: St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates
Many projects are happening to help clean-up and delist the St. Louis River Area of Concern. Click here to learn about current project updates for February 2025.
Ice Safety on the River
We've had a cold spell in the Twin Ports, but it's important to remember that ice is never 100% safe... especially when recreating on a river with flowing currents. We’ve compiled some resources from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to help keep you safe while ice fishing, snowshoeing, and general outdoor fun on the water!
National Water Trail Route Video Series
The St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail boasts 11 loop routes for paddlers and boaters of all skill levels and abilities. This multi-use waterway invites you to experience the wild diversity of the St. Louis River while being minutes away from town.
As a tool to plan your trip, we’ve put together a video series highlighting the 11 loop routes. Click ‘Learn More’ on each post to watch a short video and learn about unique trail features and what you might expect while you explore.
January 2025: St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates
Many projects are happening to help clean-up and delist the St. Louis River Area of Concern. Click here to learn about current project updates for January 2025.
Gichigami-ziibi: Homeland of the Anishinaabe (Video)
We are excited to present to you 'Gichigami-ziibi: Homeland of the Anishinaabe', a short film highlighting four local Indigenous community member's cultural perspective and admiration for the St. Louis River.
As you explore the Water Trail we encourage you to learn about and honor the life and lessons that this special place has held.
Share Your Input: 2024 Remedial Action Plan
The DNR is seeking public feedback on the draft 2024 Remedial Action Plan Update for the St. Louis River Area of Concern. The update summarizes pollution cleanup and habitat restoration progress in the last year and tracks progress on specific projects that are important for reaching our delisting targets. The document is available for public review and comment until Dec. 16, 2024.
December 2024: St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates
Many projects are happening to help clean-up and delist the St. Louis River Area of Concern. Click here to learn about current project updates for December 2024.
Welcome to the Team: Karen Sunderman
Earlier this summer we hired two St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail Neighborhood Leaders to help us welcome and connect more people to the water. Meet Karen Sunderman, one of those Leaders.
Welcome to the Team: Nick Sunsdahl
Earlier this summer we hired two St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail Neighborhood Leaders to help us welcome and connect more people to the water. Meet Nick Sunsdahl, one of those Leaders.
The River Talks: Restored Connection to a River in Recovery
Join us on Wednesday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lake Superior Estuarium for the December River Talk brought to you by the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve (LSNERR). St. Louis River Alliance Executive Director, Kris Eilers, will share about the river’s evolution.
Register: Starry Skies on the St. Louis River
Join the St. Louis River Alliance and amateur astronomer Bob King on Monday, December 16 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. to learn about the importance of dark skies along the St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail. We will park at the Morgan Park Community Center (1242 88th Ave W, Duluth) and walk over to the Spirit Lake Delta Cap (formerly slag point) to explore seasonal constellations and planets, and ways we can preserve starry skies for nocturnal animal habitat and future generations. Afterward, we'll look at Jupiter and Saturn through the telescope.
November 2024: St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates
Many projects are happening to help clean-up and delist the St. Louis River Area of Concern. Click here to learn about current project updates for November 2024.
SLRA Membership Drive: Be a Voice for the River
The St. Louis River Alliance is excited to announce the launch of our Annual Membership Drive, from now until December 15 you’ll have a chance to win a free guided eco-kayak trip for six on the river when you support us. We invite you to recommit to helping the St. Louis River Alliance continue our important work of protecting, restoring, and enhancing this essential resource.
October 2024: St. Louis River Area of Concern Updates
Many projects are happening to help clean-up and delist the St. Louis River Area of Concern. Click here to learn about current project updates for October 2024.
Vote for SLRA for the Co-op GIVE! Program
We are excited to announce we are in the running to be a 2025 GIVE! Non-Profit Recipient with Whole Foods Co-op in Duluth. This program allows shoppers to round-up at the register to support the St. Louis River Alliance. As a past GIVE! recipient, we are grateful for not only the monetary contributions but the outreach it has helped us cast.
To vote for the St. Louis River Alliance go to:
River Connection Plant Walk
Thank you to everyone who joined us at our River Connection Plant Walk at Thomson Reservoir on Sunday, September 15! Valerie Ross Zhaawendaagozikwe, an enrolled member of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe/Long Plains First Nation with Duwamish, Dakota, Ojibwe, and Yakama heritage, led the walk hosted by the St. Louis River Alliance. Twenty-two attendees learned about the significance of native plants located near the Thomson Reservoir. Her passion for and knowledge about plants helped others discover plant qualities that have long sustained Indigenous communities.