There are many ways volunteers can take action to help protect the St. Louis River Estuary.
St. Louis River Alliance Volunteer Opportunities
You don’t have to be a St. Louis River Alliance member to participate as a volunteer. Volunteers are welcome to assist in clean ups, stewardship activities, events, clerical work and even serve on committees.
If interested in volunteering with the St. Louis River Alliance, please email outreach@stlouisriver.org with the skills and experiences you’re hoping to share within the organization, availability, and volunteer capacity.
Sign up for our newsletter for the most current volunteer opportunities.
Current SLRA Need: Serve on the Board of Directors
The business of the organization is overseen by the board of directors who are elected by the membership. The board consist of 5-15 members, who serve three year terms.
New board members are sought in late fall or when a replacement is necessary. Anyone interested in serving on the board may request an application. The Nominating Committee interviews all potential board members and then recommends a slate to the membership. Members are sent ballots that are then counted and the results announced at the annual meeting.
Board meetings are held every other month and all board members also serve on at least one committee or work group and assist with fundraising.
Meet our current Board Members.
Other Community Volunteer Opportunities
There are many other organizations doing parallel work along the river. If interested in environmental monitoring or other stewardship opportunities, you can click the following links to learn more.
City of Duluth: Parks and Trails Volunteer Opportunities
City of Superior: Adopt Programs
Douglas County: Clean Boat Clean Waters boat inspections
Friends of Lake Superior Reserve: Volunteer Opportunities
Izaak Walton League of America: Salt Watch
Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve: Research With us
Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve: Lake Superior Water Spotter
Minnesota: Adopt a Storm Drain
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: Zebra Mussel Monitoring Program
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency: Volunteer Water Monitoring
Minnesota Sea Grant: River Quest
River Alliance of Wisconsin: Project RED (Riverine Early Detectors), invasive species monitoring
St. Louis River Alliance: Volunteer Opportunities
University of Minnesota: Master Naturalist Program
University of Wisconsin: Water Action Volunteers (includes water quality, stream flow, benthos, and aquatic invasive species monitoring)
University of Wisconsin: Master Naturalist Program
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources: Citizen Based Monitoring